
Video: Landsat Data is Moving to the Cloud

The Landsat series of Earth-observing satellites has been continuously acquiring land surface imagery since 1972. Over 8.5 million Landsat scenes are currently available for download. Soon it will all be accessible from a cloud environment, in a cloud optimized format that gives you more flexible, customized access. In the past, users could spend 80% of their time downloading and processing files. With Landsat in the cloud, you get direct access to big data without the big files and big headaches.

Technical Guide on Earth Observation and the Global Environment Facility

A new Earth observation publication was released this month, developed for the Scientific Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) by Hatfield’s Earth observation experts. Titled, “Earth Observation and the Global Environment Facility – Technical Guide”, this overview of Earth observation technology for the GEF, includes: Overview of optical, radar, lidar, and […]

OGC Testbed 15: Innovating Geospatial Data Processing, Analysis, and Visualization

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has published the outcomes of 2019’s biggest research and development initiative, Testbed-15. The key outcomes, including detailed Engineering Reports, overview presentations, and videos, are freely available on the Testbed-15 webpage. Testbed-15 advanced research across the following technologies:
– Earth Observation (EO) data models, applications, catalogues, and process discovery.
– Data Security in a geospatial environment using encrypted containers.
– Federated Cloud Environments incorporating OGC Open Web Services.
– Secure Delta Updates to geospatial data in Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) situations.
– An Open Portrayal Framework and APIs for sharing portrayals of geospatial content.
– Machine Learning models and outputs integrating with OGC Open Web Services.

Assessment of desert locust impact using Remote Sensing

The current analysis was undertaken to develop an operational methodology to assess the locust impact using remote sensing data.
It is not conclusive. It is meant to open a dialogue on how to develop an operational multi-scale approach showing possible lines of research to be further explored for early warning and rapid damage assessment of future outbreaks.

Efficient Satellite Data Processing in Cloud Computing with GCSFuse and Goofys

One of our goals at GEO Analytics Canada is to develop an approach to utilize Kubernetes to process and store large amounts of data in S3-like buckets in a scalable manner.  We are interested in using Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) modules to mount S3 buckets as a folder on the compute file system. This greatly […]

20 top priorities in 2020 for a digital ecosystem for Earth

First, business as usual isn’t working for global environmental governance. Second, we have not yet fully harnessed digital technologies to address our most pressing global environmental challenges. Third, the digital economy itself is not yet being leveraged for a sustainable future.

RapidEye Constellation To Be Retired In 2020

It’s with mixed sentiments that we share that Planet’s RapidEye constellation will be retired at the end of March 2020. After 11 years of faithfully gathering imagery, it has aged gracefully, to say the least.

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